This isn't content I expected to find here in your newsletter, genre or subject-wise, but I really dig it. Not only do you cover a lot more than I anticipated, you write so well that every newsletter is a joy to read. I'm glad I subscribed.
Thanks Katie, I'm glad you're enjoying the newsletter! I'm only a few months in at this point, so I'm still tweaking bits and pieces here and there. It's a constantly evolving work-in-progress. As for genre content, I'm trying to keep it as diverse and interesting as I can. So, if there's anything in particular you'd like to see covered, just let me know!
This isn't content I expected to find here in your newsletter, genre or subject-wise, but I really dig it. Not only do you cover a lot more than I anticipated, you write so well that every newsletter is a joy to read. I'm glad I subscribed.
Thanks Katie, I'm glad you're enjoying the newsletter! I'm only a few months in at this point, so I'm still tweaking bits and pieces here and there. It's a constantly evolving work-in-progress. As for genre content, I'm trying to keep it as diverse and interesting as I can. So, if there's anything in particular you'd like to see covered, just let me know!
I'm a metalhead (and K-pop fan) who doesn't have as much time anymore to seek out new music, so I appreciate any recommendations you have!
Hell yes, I can work with that!